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Profaci Rosalie


New York

Wife of Bill Bonanno, Boss Joe Bonanno’s eldest son. The couple were married on August 18, 1956. Rosalie’s maiden name was Profaci, her father was the brother of Joe Profaci, the Brooklyn mobster, who ran what would become the Colombo Family. The wedding was held at St. Bernadette’s Church in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Afterwards three thousand guests gathered in the grand ballroom of Astor Hotel in Manhattan to eat drink and be entertained by the Four Lads.  It is believed the wedding was the inspiration for the opening sequence of the movie The Godfather.

Rosalie Profaci was the wife of Bill Bonanno, Joe Bonanno’s eldest son. The couple were married on August 18, 1956, in ceremony, in the grand ballroom of Astor Hotel, later used (in some part) in the film The Godfather in the opening scene. Rosalie’s father was the brother of Joe Profaci, who ruled over what would become the Colombo Family.

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